Примеры употребления для e g
1. He seems to have caught the New Labour ability to see sleaze and corruption in other people but not in himself. – Mr E G Thompson, Bexleyheath England View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.
2. The EU costs us a fortune and gives us nothing we didn‘t have before when we traded with other Commonwealth countries many of whom were dumped on Britains entry into the EU. – E G, St Albans, England This is going to be another tax for the UK citizens, which no other EU country will bother about.
3. She is the only person talking sense about this immigration issue and most of what she suggests could be easily implemented today and not in ten years time. – E G, St Albans, England ‘It‘s only words,and words are all I have.....‘ so the Bee Gee‘s song goes.
4. The proposal calls for students in four–year courses to graduate within six years of matriculation, while in schools requiring longer attendance (e g. five years in Technical University departments and six years for medical schools) students will be given an extra three years to graduate.